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Spider Plant

Chlorophytum comosum, commonly referred to as Spider Plants, are safe for dogs and probably one of the most widely recognized houseplants. These plants are popular for beginners because they are one of the easiest plants to care for. They are tolerant of neglect and can thrive in almost any home. If you are a novice looking for a pet-friendly starter plant, you’ve found it. [1]

Monkey Tree

The money tree, or money plant, not only works to reduce toxins such as formaldehyde from the air, but is an excellent choice for anyone with asthma, lung issues, or calls a smoggy city home. They also love bright light. Plus, they're known for inviting in luck and prosperity, and won't bother any curious critters. [2]

Christmas Cactus

Native to the Coastal mountains around Rio de Janeiro, the Christmas cactus blooms over the holiday period in the Northern Hemisphere. It likes medium light levels and not too much watering because it is easy to propagate, it's the gift that keeps on giving. [3]

Areca Palms

If you’re looking for a large houseplant that’s safe for your pets, I highly recommend checking out Areca Palms, and these varieties; Golden Butterfly Palm, Cane Palm, Golden Feather Palm, Yellow Palm. Areca Palms can grow up to 6-12 feet tall, and thrive in moist soil, with bright, direct light. They are also great indoor air purifiers, removing pollutants such as acetone, xylene and toluene from the air. [4]

African Violet

If you’ve got open shelving in your kitchen, these flowers would be a great, colorful addition. (Just make sure the plant isn’t near a drafty floor vent or window.) With indirect sunlight, they will bloom beautifully. [5]


Sinningia speciosa plants are popular gift plants, especially around holidays like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. If you receive one of these gorgeous bloomers, you won't need to worry about it harming your cat or dog. Provide indirect light and constant moisture for this Brazilian native. [6]


[1] Lopez, Daniela. "10 Non-Toxic and Dog-Safe Houseplants." The Bark, 7 December 2020,

[2] Howard, Krissy. "13 Purifying Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs." Wide Open Pets, 7 December 2020,

[3] Murray, Doug. "20 Plants That Are Safe for Children, Cats and Dogs." HGTV, 7 December 2020,

[4] Typically Topical Media Team. "25 Gorgeous Houseplants that are Safe for Cats and Dogs [ASPCA Approved]." Typically Topical, 7 December 2020,

[5] Kristi Kellogg, Muriel Vega, and Rachel Fletcher. "21 Plants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs." Architectural Digest, 7 December 2020,

[6] McIntosh, Jamie. "19 Houseplants Safe for Cats and Dogs." The Spruce, 7 December 2020,

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